Our dedicated team at Seven Whales has over eleven years of experience working with Baltic
Amber and were inspired by his energetic and spiritual properties. We hope to share our
knowledge and discoveries working with amber, helping people to find ways of using it in their
everyday lives. We want to help families strengthen their native connection and surround them
with love, protection and positivity.
Seven Whales is passionate about helping moms find gentle, healthy ways to raise babies and
learn to relax and enjoy the nature‘s bounty.
We offer handemade products from Baltic Amber of the highest quality, as well as gemstones
and hazelwood products bringing inner peace to people‘s lives. Our team believes in positive
energy, meditation, and natural healing power. Seven Whales is constantly inspired by our love
of nature, and we are run our creative workshops in an ecologically sustainable way. We want to
share our stories, experience and techniques with everyone in the world.
We are blessed with the joy of being a part of your life!