Crystal clear
Natural Healing Adult Chakra bracelet with Unique Baltic Lemon Amber and Genuine Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Green Aventurine, Carnelian, Lava beads
- Unique Baltic Amber bracelet with Genuine gemstonesis the Natural way to the healthy life!
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If you need a custom length, please contact us by e-mail.
We will produce it for You with pleasure.
Adult braceletsare made from Genuine Gemstones and Baltic amber.Gemstones are an easy way to open and balance the Chakras.It’s like forces or energy centers inside us.The more a person develops his consciousness, the chakras will awake faster.Natural materials have a wide range of positive effects on various health issues in babies and adults. Each of our bracelet is made by hand, looks stylish and exceptional beauty and together suitable for every day.
Lava stones stabilize the main Chakra of Root, as they have a very strong connection with the earth and its center. It is characterized by earthing properties, and it used to ground emotions and feelings. It provides stability during a busy period of life. Lava is related to the element of fire, and the lava stone provides soothing but very intense energy.
Carnelian brings creativity and confidence into our life, it is especially perfect stone to use on the Sacral Chakra.Carnelian helps find ambition, drive and confidence to move forward onto a new path. This stone increases motivation and helps to clarify goals and find the best direction in life. Carnelian encourages initiative and determination by allowing deeper concentration in thoughts.
Baltic amber works with Solar Plexus Chakra which plays important role in the development of your personal power.Amber is the natural fossilized tree resin from ancient forests more then50 million years old. It is a decorative, healing and energetic stone used from the ancient times throughout many places and cultures of the world. It has many amazing therapeutic properties as it contains the highest quantity of succinic acid in nature.
Green Aventurine is perfect for the Heart Chakra and has a positive effect on heart diseases, brings ability to feel the beauty of nature. Jewelry with this precious stone helps to learn how to love yourself and to accept others as they are. Invite prosperity, good luck and love into your life with aventurine gemstone.
Turquoise works together with Throat Chakra and lead us towardspeacefulness and consistent thinking. From the earliest times, turquoise has earned its reputation as a talisman of protection and love. It stimulates creativity, promotes inner peace and harmony, balances emotions, and helps to find friends. Turquoise is often considered as a bridge between heaven and earth, helping us to stay grounded but open to the spiritual world at the same time.
Lapis lazuli stimulate Third Eye Chakra and bring us a deep understanding of ourselves and the surrounding world.Gemstone is considered a stone of luck, prosperity and happiness. It is especially effective in treating depression, insomnia, uncertainty of feelings and thoughts as well as mood swings. Lapis Lazuli is a great children’s guardian and mentor, popular in various necklace designs.
Amethyst and Crown Chakra lead us towards the right path, to reach spiritual knowledge, respect and love for all living beings.Amethyst has a strong healing power transforming negative energy to positive energy filled with love. The stone is perfect for use in any healing session or during meditation, wearing it as jewelry or using crystals at home.
Clear quartz is known as a Master healer: it has a very high vibration level and is the most versatile stone among all others. It is widely used in meditations and can amplify any energy or intention. Clear quartz protects against negativity and brings you closer to your higher self.
Help for body
– Improve immune system.
– Prevent Alzheimer’s.
– Natural tool of headaches.
– Great remedies for poor vision.
– Help to treat insomnia.
– Reduces Migraines pain.
– Reduces fatigue symptoms.
– Natural healing properties of amber
– High anti-inflammatory properties.
– Help to treat back pain.
– Blood and lymphatic metabolism disorder tool.
Help for personality
– Helps to treat depression.
– Normalizes the emotional balance.
– Reduce anxiety symptoms.
– Properly tool to prevent Nightmares.
– Block low self-esteem.
– Stimulator of creativity.
– ADHD -Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
– Blocking of abuse.
Our all jewelry is produced from natural Baltic Amber, genuine gemstones and Canadian hazelwood only. Our product quality and origin are constantly checked and confirmed by third-party laboratories in Lithuania, USA and Canada.

All amber, gemstone and hazelwood beads are double- knotted in between and are perfectly safe to wear for babies and adults. The screw clasps are easy to open and close.
How to wear
For Best effect make sure the beads are constantly in contact with the skin.
30 days refund or return if product has a fault or is damaged.